Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lectures on the Metacircular Evaluator

I have been struggling with the notion of a "metacircular evaluator" for a while. Then I stumbled upon the MIT lectures for it.

The lectures are quite beautiful, and should be watched!

MIT's 6.001 Lecture 7A YouTube clip

MIT's 6.001 Lecture 7B YouTube clip

Bear in mind, these "clips" are roughly an hour long...but they will solve all problems involving the metacircular beast!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Learning Lua

So I have learned about LuaTeX, which basically implements TeX in Lua and thus enables Lua scripting inside a TeX document. Thus I want to learn Lua!

Hello World!

I installed the basic lua50 package on ubuntu, so let me write my first program.

-- begin hello.lua

-- This is a comment

print("Goodbye, Cruel World!")

-- end hello.lua

One runs it on the *nix command line by $ lua hello.lua

However, we can use write(...) instead of print(...), the difference is that print() automatically adds a new line.

Getting User Input

We can ask for user's information:

-- begin name.lua 

io.write("What's your name? ")
name =
print("Why, '""' is a stupid name!")

-- end name.lua

We start using the io module's functions. We need to indicate this by calling and io.write()

Unique Aspects of Lua

Lua is unique in that everything is-a table. That's how you implement classes, data structures, and so on. (Think how LISP has everything is-a list.)

Even operator overloading is handled through tables...well, "metatables".

There are many examples of advanced table usage on Lua's wiki. So next time, we'll start considering examples involving tables.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

CWEB, Part 2: Hello World returns!

Continuing from our previous post on CWEB, we will take the time honored example:
lets consider a more complicated "Hello World!" Program.

\def\title{Hello World, Reloaded}

@*A Simple Example.
This is a trivial example of a \.{CWEB} program.
It is, of course, the classic "hello, world"
program we all know and love:

@<Header files needed by the program@>@;
   @<Print the message |"hello, world"|@>@;

@ Naturally, we use |printf| to do the dirty work:

@<Print the message |"Hello, World!"|@>=
printf("Hello, World!\n");

@ The prototype for |printf| is in the standard
header, \.{<stdio.h>}.

@<Header files needed by the program@>=
#include <stdio.h>


This is perhaps the simplest example demonstrating how to use chunk identifiers (those @<...@> things) in CWEB.

Note that \.{CWEB} typesets CWEB using typewriter font.

Also note that we don't have to define a chunk before we use it. That's what we did in this example, all the chunks were defined after they were used.

What are those @; symbols used for? Well, they're for formatting, and they don't do anything other than prettyprint the TeX output.

Monday, December 12, 2011


It turns out there is some interesting stuff to do with CWEB.

First off, you program in chunks/modules called "sections". Each section contains either code or documentation. Each section begins with @.

The skeleton of a CWEB program might look like:

% this is a comment
\def\title{My awesome program!!!!} % this sets the title
\datethis % this sets the date
@*Introduction. % create the introduction section
This program will solve all my problems.

[Code not shown]


The line of code @*Introduction. will create a section with a title, it would look like "1. Introduction. ". It's TeX equivalent would be \medbreak\noindent{\bf 1.\quad Introduction.\quad}, and yes those \quad spacings are correct.

The first line of code puts a time stamp between the first section and the title.

The last line produces an index of all the variables.

The Code

How do we actually write code in CWEB?

We can use @c to start writing code, just as @ is used to write documentation.

And just as we had @*[title]., we have something analogous for code @<[title]>

However, the first time we use @<section name>, we are defining it. When we use it later on, we are calling it. Note the difference!


A simple comment is formatted by @q ... and it is not printed to the TeX file.

Write to Different Files

If one writes @(foo>, then the contents of the section (onwards?) is written to the file foo.

Macro Definitions

Instead of that ungodly #define ..., we write @d ... to do the same thing.

Some example code (from string.w):

@s string int
@s Xstring int @q -- a hint for the typesetter -- @>
#ifndef XSTRING_H
#define XSTRING_H // prevent multiple inclusions
class Xstring {
 @<private |Xstring| members@>@;
 @<public |Xstring| members@>@;

What does the @# line do? Well, it forces a line break, and that's all.

Similarly, the @/ line forces CWEAVE to put a line break in the C code.

But what do those @>= lines mean? We are initializing and declaring an identifier for a section. For us, that is xstring.h, and since we have prefaced it with @( it means we are working with the code in a separate file.

Observe that @<public |Xstring| members@>@; simply loads the code defined in section public |Xstring| members since the section ended without an equal sign, i.e. @> instead of >=.

More notes to come, but one might also be interested in Knuth's straighten.w program for computing irreps of the symmetric group.


Here is the obligatory "Hello World!" type program:

This is a simple ``Hello World!'' program using literate
programming. I hope it works! (It does work!)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
 printf("Hello world! I am literate programming?\n");
 return 1;
